Thursday, October 8, 2009

10/4-10/5 CAN YOU SAY SWEET POTATOES--yummy----Mommy & Daddy feed me sweet potatoes for the very first time!!!! Im getting the hang of the spoon:)

I love hanging out with my Aunts & Uncles!!! Mommy has me all bundled up in my golf sweater & hat--Daddy can I get on the greens next year?

Sat Oct 4 The Anderson Reunion aka The Lyda Rose Annual Golf Outing in Toledo OH

Poor Wrigz,Mommy says just as I get out of my helmet after 8 quick weeks & now little Wrigz gets bad scratch on his eye & has to wear protective cone!

My best friend "CJ" and I have so much fun playing together everyday!

Aunt Kately and Uncle Joe are MARRIED!!!!!!!

Aunt Katelyn and Emma looking beautiful:)

Aunt Katelyn sees for the first time the absolutely beautiful flower bouquets that her dear friend arranged for the wedding

Sat Sept 26 Aunt Katie is getting married today, She and her girls are getting their hair and makeup done!

Sept 25 Aunt Katelyn is getting married tomorrow!!! Im so glad I get to be at the Rehersal Dinner--Im having so much fun!!!

Frid Sept 25--So much to celebrate-- Uncle Frankies Birthday and Aunt Katelyns wedding tomorrow!!!

Fri Sept 25 Uncle Frankies birthday - Mommy,Aunt Julz,Eric and Grandma take Uncle Frankie out for lunch at Arthur's in Hyde Park

I love dancing with Daddy!!!